Add Link to Website Menu in WordPress

Once you’ve created your new page in WordPress, you might be asking yourself  ‘How do I add this page to the website menu?’.  It is pretty easy.

Here are the steps:

  1. In the WordPress left-hand navigation bar, open the APPEARANCE menu >> Click on MENUS
  2. Make sure you have the correct menu selected, if not adjust as needed
  3. Check the box of the page you would like to add >> then click the ‘Add to Menu’ button.
  4. This will drop the new navigation link into the menu at the bottom of the list.  To move it to the correct place, simply drag-and-drop it into the right spot.
  5. Then SAVE your work

Most LaLa themed websites are set up for a primary and a secondary dropdown navigation.  It dosen’t usually include a tertiary (third) menu level unless specified during the development phase.  We can always add it later if you find you need it.