Double & Full Width Modules

Side-by-Side Messages Module

The Side-by-Side Message Module is responsive.  On large screens, the content appears side-by-side and on mobile screens the content stacks.

This module gives you the ability to use two editors side-by-side.  This is great for displaying text next to a form, or for any other use that you can dream up.

To add a form to the website, first you build it in the Formidable Plugin located in the left-hand navigation of WordPress. Then you add the shortcode to the text editor. Here is an example of what a shortcode looks like.

[ formidable id="2" ]

Add a Form

Please select a valid form

Divider Module

The divider module is a very simple responsive line.  It is just a quick and easy module separator. The divider line can be seen above and below this message.

Full Width Image Module

You can add a little flair to your website by adding a Full Width Image between modules.  Recommended images sizes: 1200×400. The image you uploaded will be cropped to 400px tall. It shows the center of the photo. As the screen size gets smaller, the image becomes less wide.

Image Group Module

The Image Group Module is fun and flexible.  You can add 2, 3, or 4 square images per row in the size of 800 x 800 pixels.  This will create a full-bleed image effect.  You can stack as many of these modules as you like to create a tile design.  On desktop sized screen the images will sit next to each other and span the width of the page.  This module is responsively designed, on mobile sized screens, the images will stack.  Each image can also have a url link added, this comes with an optional url page target enabling you to open the url link within the same browser tab or open a new tab.