
There are three options with the LaLa WordPress Theme banner.  No Banner selected, a Static Banner, or a Smart Slider Banner.

Banner Options

No Banner is pretty self-explanatory,  if no banner is selected, nothing will show.

The Static Banner has a background image, an optional Title, Subtitle, and Button.  This page has an example of a static banner

The Smart Slider Banner requires that the slideshow is built within the Smart Slider Plugin located in the left-hand side of the WordPress navigation.  Then it is added to the banner by using a shortcode.

Here is an example of what the shortcode looks like.

[ smartslider3 slider=2 ]

The home page of this website has an example of a Smart Slider 3 slideshow. The Smart Slider 3 Plugin has so many options and creative possibilities. If you are interested in learning more about this powerful tool, you can dig into the tutorials available on the website.

Smooth Scroll

Help website users find information fast.

The button in the header has a very fun Smooth Scroll function built into it.  The button has a.smooth class coded into it.

There is an example of how it works on this page.  Go to the header and click the ‘View Options’ button.

In order for this to work. There must be an HTML #ID within the body content. This gives the button an anchor to scroll down to.

First, the #ID needs to be applied to the text of where you want the button to down scroll to. Here is an example of what the HTML ID looks like.

< h2 id="scroll">Smooth Scroll< /h2>

Second, you need to include the #ID in the link that you add to the banner button. In the link, the ID is represented by the hashtag. Here is an example of what it looks like.

You should notice that the id="scroll" and the /#scroll match each other.

*Please note: There should only be one occurrence of this per page.